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Tongue Thrust Program Questions
Tongue Thrust Program for Speech Therapists
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How Can I Fix my tongue thrust?
How Can I Fix my lisp?
How Can I Fix my Snoring?
I have a big tongue
Does this program work with children, too?
I'm a therapist, can I teach your technique?

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Who Can Benefit From This Program?

Basically, the IJustWantTo Correct My Tongue Thrust program helps people to correct their tongue thrust and stop snoring due to mouth breathing and incorrect tongue position. There are other sleep disorder symptoms that often accompany a tongue thrust, and this program has been successful in reducing or eliminating many of these symptoms as well, according to the preliminary findings. If you use the IJustWantTo Correct My Tongue Thrust program, you may benefit if you have any of the following recurring symptoms:

  • Snoring;
  • Waking up non-refreshed;
  • Grinding or clenching the teeth;
  • Daytime sleepiness; and
  • Preventing your significant other from sleeping.

WARNING: If you suspect that you have symptoms related to a medical condition, you should see your doctor to rule out any potentially serious healthcare condition prior to beginning this program.

Some people who are presently using a CPAP machine to alleviate a sleep disorder still continue to experience some or all of the above symptoms. This program may help them reduce or eliminate these symptoms. The IJustWantTo Correct My Tongue Thrust program is not intended to replace the CPAP machine. Any changes made should be determined by your sleep specialist.

Research shows that some children who have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may actually have a sleep disorder2, 3, 4. Researchers at Stanford University Medical Center have discovered a link between sleep patterns and cancer progression7. A large percentage of motor vehicle accidents8 occur because the driver is sleepy. Truck drivers11, shift workers6, athletes10, and military personnel9 are just a few who experience increased accidents and decreased concentration and response time because of a sleep disorder.

The IJustWantTo Correct My Tongue Thrust program has been highly successful in helping people to stop snoring where their snoring has been due to mouth breathing and incorrect tongue position. It is easy to do and requires very little time. This program is totally non-invasive and drug-free. Preliminary study results have shown no side effects or painful results. Imagine sleeping better and waking up feeling refreshed!

Who Would Not Benefit?

People who cannot breathe through their nose would likely not benefit from the IJustWantTo Correct My Tongue Thrust program. However, those who suffer seasonal allergies and sinus infections, resulting in temporary nasal congestion, may benefit from the IJustWantTo Correct My Tongue Thrust program when their nasal congestion clears up. Also, people who breathe through their mouths by habit, rather than by necessity, may benefit from this program.

People who experience “nasal” snoring would likely not benefit from the IJustWantTo Correct My Tongue Thrust program. This group of people breathes through their nose while sleeping and their tongue usually stays on the roof of their mouth. They report that they seem to be snoring through their nose instead of their mouth.

What comes with my purchase?

    • When you purchase the program, you will immediately have access to the entire program online. I will quickly mail you the Tongue Stick and reminder bracelet.
    • There are seven lessons and each lesson introduces 3-5 different exercises. All seven lessons are in text for you to read. If you prefer, you can print them out instead of always having to be at the computer to read them.
    • When you are ready to start learning the exercises for Lesson one, you will find a “table of contents” that will allow you to pick which lesson you need. If you don’t immediately see a video to watch, scroll back up to find it.
    • When you click on the first video, you will see me and Rusty in my office and I am teaching him the exercises for that lesson. What you will see is exactly what it would be like if you came to see me for private lessons. You will learn that your success will depend on whether you practice your exercises two times daily or not. I have often wondered what makes a person, like yourself, decide to practice their exercises. What motivates you to practice each exercise the exact number of repetitions/minutes? What are the chances that you will perform an exercise a couple of times, realize that you are doing it correctly, and then decide that you don’t need to do that anymore since you know how to do it?
    • In an effort to help people make sure that they do their exercises correctly, I have made seven additional videos, one for each lesson. Click on the Lesson that you are working on and you will find me sitting at my desk waiting for you to join me to do the exercises. You don’t have to have the written exercises in front of you. You will do them with me and I will guide you through the correct number of repetitions/minutes. Each exercise video is approximately 9-15 minutes long. Later on in the day sometime, go back to the same video so you can do those same exercises again. I will be your cheerleader, knowing that you will be successful.
    • If, for some reason, you are not able to do all of your exercises in a 7-day period, that’s ok. Start back as soon as you can. Do not skip lessons or jump around. Each lesson prepares you for the next one. Each lesson needs to be practiced two times daily for at least seven days. You can go slower but you should not speed it up. You are creating new habits.
  • Believe that you will successfully stop thrusting your tongue when eating/speaking/swallowing and stop mouth breathing. These exercises are harmless and easy, yet extremely helpful.

Program Goals:

  • Train the muscles necessary for a good swallow and correct resting posture
  • Teach the correct swallow
  • Make the correct swallow a habit
  • Eliminate undesirable oral behaviors

How long does it take to correct a tongue thrust?

If you follow directions and do all 7 lessons it will take you 7 weeks. You will see the author treating someone for all 7 lessons over video.

Sticking with the program will start resulting in gradual improvements. Your tongue will get stronger and feel more comfortable in your mouth, and if you snore, it should gradually get quieter and quieter. As your tongue muscles get stronger as a result of you doing the exercises, more changes should occur.

What Causes Tongue Thrust?

  • Thumb-sucking and/or nail biting
  • Mouth breathing
  • Premature loss of "baby" teeth
  • Lack of muscle coordination
  • Hereditary factors
  • Enlarged tonsils & adenoids

How Does the Program Work?

The IJustWantTo Correct My Tongue Thrust program consists of seven (7) different lessons. Each lesson contains 3-5 simple tongue exercises that MUST be practiced a minimum of two times daily for one week (15-20 minutes twice a day). Look at the online videos at the beginning of each lesson to be sure you are performing the exercises correctly. If a week passes and the exercises have not been practiced at least two times daily, that lesson should be repeated or continued until the criteria to move on has been met. It is recommended that before starting the program, you should be serious about performing the exercises over a 7-week period as instructed. However, you do not need to wait until you have seven “clear” weeks in a row. If something comes up and you have to go out of town, you can still do your exercises. If something happens and life is too hectic to think about the exercises, then you can pick up where you left off at a later time. Just start the program now! Do not delay! Imagine feeling better when you wake up!

How Much Time Does It Take?

The exercises in each lesson must be performed a minimum of two times daily. Most of the exercises are short and you will probably spend only 5-10 minutes each time you complete them. Some of the exercises can also be performed while you are driving to and from work, working at the computer, gardening, folding clothes, reading, watching TV, etc. The exercises can be performed at home or away from home.

The entire program can be completed in 7 weeks if the exercises in each lesson are performed 2 times daily for 7 days. It would be best to establish a routine and decide in advance when you will do your exercises. If you drive to work, most of them can be done at that time. That means that you could do them on your way home from work also. Some of them require a mirror and it will be best to do these when you brush your teeth, two times daily. If you do not work outside of the home, or are retired, you should incorporate these exercises into your daily routine. Plan this in advance when you start the program.

How Quickly Will I Feel Results?

How quickly you start feeling results from this program depends on a number of factors. It depends on your anatomy, the strength of your tongue, your willingness to follow the program and your desire to reduce or eliminate your snoring due to mouth breathing and an incorrect tongue position. This program is easy and many people have seen remarkable results in just two days! Others start seeing results in one to two weeks, and some may take six weeks. For effective results, you must complete the entire program because some muscles are weaker than others and need more time to get stronger.

How to KNOW you are doing the tongue thrust exercises correctly

Thank you for researching the Correct My Tongue Thrust program. I  am very aware of your concern about doing tongue exercises by yourself or with your child. Fortunately, I have gone all out to make sure that this program is easy for everyone.

There are 7 weekly lessons that teach new exercises each lesson. The participant needs to make a commitment before starting, that they promise to do their exercises 2 X a day, every day.

I have provided the perfect tools to help everyone who uses this program. You will get access to the support page on this website with each Lesson written out. You can view it on a computer, tablet, or phone and click each lesson.

For each lesson, you will see written instructions. You'll also see a video of me teaching Rusty (a former client) how to do all of the exercises for that lesson. This is my way of training everyone on how to do the exercises correctly.

After you know how to do the exercises, you will then see a second video with me doing each exercise with you as a partner (the "Exercise Room").

I suggest that you set an alarm to remind you 2 X a day to go to the exercise room.

You will see me sitting at my desk. Put your child or yourself in front of the computer and I will personally do each exercise for that lesson so that whoever is watching, can imitate them and know they are doing it correctly. I will count if needed or time an exercise if needed. The visitor to my exercise room will not need to have a written explanation of the exercises. All they have to do is copy me! The average length of each video is approximately 15 minutes. You should visit me in the exercise room 2 x day to practice your exercises.

But wait! Let’s not forget that during your practice time, you were coached and hopefully inspired to continue with your exercises to see lasting results!

What are Some Indications of a Tongue Thrust?

  • Sucks the thumb, fingers, tongue
  • Breathes through the mouth
  • Habitually rests tongue against or between the teeth
  • Drinks large amounts of liquid with meals, washing down the food

Will this program help me stop snoring, too?

When I worked with a select group of 86 people, 94% successfully learned how to sleep without snoring and thus, waking up feeling rested. I work with people daily in my office and I have a 100% success rate IF the person can physically breathe through their nose and IF they do their exercises as prescribed.

You may be mouth breathing now but this will train you to nasal breathe and is the secret to success.

See more About This Program And Stopping Snoring!

Is the at-home tongue thrust correction program for adults?

Yes! This program is for everyone over 7 years of age. However, sometimes, a younger child can be extra mature for their age and would be able to do the exercises with close adult supervision. I have treated people from 4 1/2 yrs of age to 86 years of age!

The exercises are for all ages because a tongue thrust is something that is treated with tongue muscle exercises so if you are mature enough to do them, they should get rid of your tongue thrust.

Does the program help with mouth breathing at nighttime?

Yes - this is THE program for mouth breathers! You will learn how to breathe through your nose IF you do not have a physical problem breathing through your nose (except when sick). The exercises will train you to breathe through your nose while awake and asleep. You will wake up feeling refreshed!

How do I stop pushing my tongue against my teeth?

That's what the Correct My Tongue Thrust Program will teach you. It is easy and I am always available to help you through videos each week.

Why is the Dentist / Orthodontist Concerned?

Tongue thrust often results in an open bite and/or "buck" teeth. If a person is swallowing incorrectly, it will be difficult to maintain the full orthodontic result: the tongue will continue to affect the overall jaw development as well as the tooth alignment. Therefore, it is important to correct the tongue thrust before braces are removed.

What comes with the IJustWantTo Correct My Tongue Thrust Program? Is the whole program online? Are there videos?

You will get seven weekly lessons with 3-5 different tongue exercises to train you to swallow a NEW way. This NEW way of swallowing will become a NEW habit. The entire program is online with great videos showing how to do each exercise. The written lessons included will walk you through each week of the 7-week program.

Is this available In Canada?

Yes. This is available in every country.

I have a lisp - can this program help me?

Yes. A lisp occurs when your tongue gets "in the way" while you are talking because your tongue is too far forward. This program to correct your tongue thrust will help tone and strengthen your tongue so that it stays out of your way when talking. There is additional information to help with your lisp.

View more about how to correct your lisp.

When I sleep I suck on my tongue. It is embarrassing and it affects my teeth.

If you really want to stop sucking your tongue, I can help you get in the habit of keeping your tongue on the roof of your mouth so that you cannot suck it. This is the goal of the Tongue Thrust Program.

I have a big tongue and you can see it when I talk

Does your big tongue bother you? Do you feel like it needs to fit better in your mouth? Can you see your tongue when you are chewing or talking? If so, this exercise program will help change that for you. The program comes with our patented "Tongue Stick" that you use to help strengthen and tone your tongue so it fits better in your mouth.

What is the main reason for the fat tongue and how do I get rid of it?

Your tongue is made up of muscles, much like your body. It is possible that your body can get "fat" and that is probably from eating the wrong foods and not exercising. Strengthening and toning your body muscles can make them leaner and less fat. The tongue will react to exercises much like your body reacts to exercises. So, the main reason for your tongue being fat is probably because your tongue is not "living" in the right place in your mouth and it is allowed to be resting more often with no boundaries, such as staying inside your mouth. It takes toned muscles for your tongue to live up on the roof of your mouth and stay inside behind your teeth. This tongue thrust program will provide you with the exercises your tongue needs to get in shape!

How can I correct tongue thrust for my 5-month-old baby?

You don’t need to do that. We are all born with a tongue thrust. Around the age of 12 months, if the baby doesn’t continue to suck a pacifier or thumb or fingers, it should go away. If the baby continues sucking something longer,  tongue thrusting may become a habit.

Will this program work with children?

This program requires that a child can focus on where their tongue is in their mouth and then change that by watching the video and/or you, the parent. You know your child better than anyone. I usually don't see them under the age of 7-8 because a certain level of maturity is needed to practice tongue exercises twice daily. This may only take 15-20 minutes. I have worked with a 4-year-old autistic child whose mother was great about being sure her child was doing the exercises and doing them correctly. He was very successful with this program.

It won't hurt if you get the program before your child is totally ready. You can always pick one exercise from Lesson 1 and work on that for as long as you like. When your child is mature enough, both of you will be ready.

Children and Tongue Thrust

How do you know if you really have a tongue thrust? These questions are for both children and adults.

When you swallow, does your tongue push the back of your teeth, or push between your teeth?

The correct way to swallow is to put your tongue tip on the roof of your mouth, immediately behind your teeth. When swallowing, the tongue goes up and back to clear the saliva.

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Do you have an overbite (upper teeth stick out too far)?

An overbite usually occurs when you push your tongue against the back of your teeth, moving your teeth out.

Do you have an open bite (a space between the upper and lower teeth)?

An open bite usually occurs when the tongue protrudes between the teeth while swallowing. This usually results in a gap between the upper and lower teeth. If the sides of your tongue protrude between your back teeth, you may have trouble chewing, having only 1 or 2 contact points.

I've just learned that I have a tongue thrust and I also pronounce my "th" with my tongue in the wrong position. It's clear this course will help with the tongue thrust but will it help me with the "th" so that my tongue is in the right position?

In order to say the TH correctly, you MUST stick your tongue out between your teeth. It doesn’t have to come out far. WHEW! Hope you are feeling relieved. We don’t say the TH sound often enough for it to hurt our teeth. So what does that mean? It means that your tongue is probably responsible for any malocclusion you may have but it is occurring when you swallow instead of when you make the TH sound so you just need to train it to function properly which is what my program will do for you.

Do you have to have your lips closed in order to swallow?

Look in the mirror. Smile real big so your teeth show. Now swallow your normal way. Watch yourself in the mirror. Did your lips immediately close? Do you find it difficult, if not impossible, to swallow while you are smiling? If you can swallow while smiling, can you see your tongue come to the front of your mouth and push against your teeth or come between them? This is the act of thrusting your tongue.

Do you make a funny face when you swallow?

If the lips are pursed and the chin bunched up when you swallow, that indicates a tongue thrust. Lip incompetence may also be a cause of making a "funny face" while swallowing. Lip incompetence means that the upper lip may be shorter than normal, making it more difficult for your lips to come together without effort.

When you say the "S" sound, does your tongue protrude between your teeth and sound like a "TH" sound?

If you have a lisp, your tongue is pushing against your teeth or protruding when you make the "S" sound. This does not necessarily mean that you have a tongue thrust while swallowing. Not all lispers are tongue thrusters and not all tongue thrusters are lispers.

Have you had braces removed and now notice that your teeth are moving back where they used to be?

If you had an overbite or open bite before you had braces applied, your teeth will probably return to their original position if you do not get the tongue thrust corrected before removing the braces. If the braces have already been removed and your teeth have started moving back, there is a good chance that your bite will improve once again if you treat the tongue thrust.

Note: An orthodontist should be consulted regarding the cause of the tooth movement and whether a Speech-Language Pathologist should be consulted regarding tongue postures/movements.

My daughter has mild tongue thrust but it’s affecting her bite and moving mainly her upper teeth so her braces off now are less obvious. We are considering a tongue crib or spurs for this. How much cost and how long take to do tongue thrust therapy for 16 yr old with mild symptoms?

I don't identify a tongue thrust as being mild, moderate, or severe. A tongue thrust is a tongue thrust and in your daughter's case, it is strong enough to move her teeth, which is very common!

It sounds like, now that her braces are off,  you are considering having a tongue crib or spurs put in her mouth. When her tongue starts sliding toward the front of her mouth to push against the back of her top teeth, then this crib or spur will STOP her tongue from getting close enough to move her teeth. I have never worn these and don't know how uncomfortable they are when your tongue runs into them with approx. 6 lbs. of pressure and determined to push the back of the teeth. Ouch?? We swallow 1,000 to 2,000 times per day.

These “things” will probably do the job when it comes to preventing her tongue thrust from moving her teeth anymore. But, there is more to think about.

How long does she have to wear the crib or spur? You can’t decide to remove it when she stops thrusting her tongue because this is not going to help her stop thrusting her tongue. It just prevents her tongue from thrusting as far as it would like to. Her habit is still there. So, does that mean she has to wear this thing forever? Yes, I believe it does. The minute it is removed, it is highly likely that her tongue will still be rushing to push against the back of her teeth, which will then start moving again.

Solution: Your daughter’s tongue thrust habit must be stopped. She needs to learn a new place from which her tongue will push off when she swallows. Right now that place is her teeth. She needs to make it a habit to push against a specific “spot” on the roof of her mouth, forming a NEW habit. The Correct My Tongue Thrust program will teach her how to do this and if she follows the instructions and practices her exercises then this new habit could be formed in less than 7 weeks. At this point, she will not need a spur or crib and her teeth may start moving back to where they were when she first had her braces removed. Since her tongue is no longer pushing against the back of her teeth, her teeth should remain beautiful.

Do you constantly have chapped lips?

Chapped or cracked lips are due to constant lip licking and mouth breathing. You may think you have to lick your lips because they are dry. Actually, the reason the lips are dry is the constant licking and resulting chapping.

The tip of my tongue is always sore and gives me discomfort.

Close your mouth - can you feel the tip of your tongue pushing against your teeth? If so, that is why it is sore. We can change that with tongue exercises.

I am 43 and have lip incompetence and a short upper lip. Will this help me at my age?

It certainly should and feel free to be aggressive and do the exercises more than what is suggested.

Where should my mouth be when my lips are closed?

Focus on resting your tongue gently on the roof of your mouth and about half an inch away from your teeth. To fully practice proper tongue posture, your lips should be closed, and your teeth separated ever so slightly.

Where should my tongue be when sleeping?

Proper tongue positioning occurs when you gently rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth and away from the teeth. During rest, the lips should also be closed, and the teeth slightly parted.

Can your tongue block your airway?

When sleeping and lying on your back, the force of gravity causes the chin and tongue to fall back against the back of the mouth and throat, which may block the airway. The tongue is the most common cause of airway obstruction while sleeping.

Can your tongue move your teeth?

Research shows that left untreated, a tongue thrust can cause malformed teeth. When the tongue pushes against the back of the teeth, the pressure can make your front teeth move outward.

Does mouth breathing change face shape?

According to research, mouth breathing can affect the entire system. Mouth breathing can particularly affect the facial muscles and bones of a growing child.  Mouth breathing can cause facial deformities that are often too severe for orthodontics to correct. These individuals may require jaw surgery later in life.

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 1. “Many High School Students Do Not Get Enough Sleep – And Their Performance Suffers”
2. “Snoring and ADHD in Children May Be Connected”
3. “ADHD Often Misdiagnosed”
4. “Waking Up to the Dangers of Snoring in Kids”
5. “AAP” Recommends Pediatricians Screen Children For Snoring”
6. “Shift Work”
7. “Stanford Research Builds Link Between Sleep, Cancer Progression”
8. “Serious Motor Vehicle Crashes: The Cost of Untreated Sleep Apnea,” Findley LJ, Suratt PM, Thorax – Volume 56, No. 7, July 2001
9. “Sleep, Alertness, and Fatigue Among Military Personnel in Iraq”
10. “Sleep is Most Important Factor in Achieving Peak Athletic Performance”
11. “Lack of Sleep Makes Some Truckers a Hazard to Interstate Travel”