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Tongue Thrust Blog
Tongue Thrust Blog
Tongue Thrust Blog
Why Am I Always Tired?


Now that the oxygen level is low, our sympathetic nervous system wakes up (fight or flight reflex) and that makes us tense, anxious, and unable to think clearly. If this shortage of oxygen continues, our immune system gets weak and this can lead to viral infections, inflamed joints, serious heart and circulatory problems, toxic build­up in blood, and premature aging. Ouch – all because we are breathing improperly!

How do you slow down your breathing? Start breathing more deeply, through your nose and using your diaphragm (belly). Did you try deep breathing? Did you exhale it quickly? This is a common mistake made. Breathe in quickly but exhale your air slowly. A long exhalation helps turn on your parasympathetic nervous system, which is your ‘relaxer response’. Your exhalation should always be longer than your inhalation. Practice this throughout your day and it will reduce/prevent stress.

Think about it: a FREE treatment to allow more oxygen to your body and increase your lifespan. Try it now! Inhale through your nose in 2 seconds and then exhale through your nose but take 15-20 seconds to do that. Your nostrils filter and warm the air going into your lungs and allow you to produce nitric oxide (NO) which helps increase oxygen and blood flow.

Welcome to a more stress-free, controlled environment managed by YOU! Breathing correctly is kind of like a speed control (governor) on a car engine.

If you are always feeling tired, get a better night’s sleep with IJustWantTo Correct My Tongue Thrust. Start tonight with our online program.