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IJustWantTo Correct My Tongue Thrust


At Home Stop Snoring Solution

Correct Your Tongue Thrust in Less Than
7 weeks and Get a Restful Night's Sleep

Choose Your Snoring Solution


This is a step-by-step program that leads you through tongue exercises explained in written words and videos to correct your tongue thrust in only SEVEN WEEKS.

This Program Can Help Alleviate:













Testimonial 1


I had a severe issue with my lower teeth beginning to space and protrude. Area orthodontists were hesitant to do braces because of my Sleep Apnea. After just a few weeks in the Tongue Thrust program, I began to see significant improvement in not only teeth movement but correction in chewing and swallowing.

– Robert Wyatt

Testimonial 2


I cannot thank Correct My Tongue Thrust for their time and support in re-training my tongue! I had NO idea my tongue placement was so off and luckily I was told to try this program. With their assistance and some slight modifications in my diet, I have been able to alleviate some major salivary gland stone issues I was having as well as sleeping better, staying more hydrated, and I can now swallow pills! Thanks again, I am beyond grateful!

– Nicole M., Asheville, NC

Testimonial 3


Thank you so much for your tongue thrust program. I have had such a battle for the past year with chronic pain from my geographic tongue and fissured tongue on the sides. I am so glad I came across your website and realized that I also have a tongue thrust and that I can do something about it! I am sure that it is going to make a huge difference for me. Thank you!


Testimonial 4


My wife Kelly pretty much concluded after week one that she could never have a night's sleep being in the same room and would often retreat to the couch in the living room after I fell asleep.

At this point, I started looking on the Internet for a solution, preferably one that would address the cause. I came across your site and decided to give your program a try. After the second week, my symptoms were rapidly disappearing. About halfway through the program, I was sleeping normally and I was feeling much better when I woke up. My wife can now sleep in the same bed as I.”

– Hartmut Schwarz

Testimonial 5


“The program was great. I no longer grind my teeth and rarely snore. Not only have I improved my tongue position but I have also paid attention to my lower jaw position and have learned to relax it more in order to keep my teeth lined up better. The program was a good length and was simple enough to understand and fit into a busy schedule, yet it was substantial enough to provide major benefits and lifelong changes.”

– Nancy M., 42 years., ROCHESTER, VT

Testimonial 6


“Before this program, I had exhausted all the possibilities I knew about except the CPAP machine and I couldn’t bear the thought of using a machine. I was very happy to learn of a method that avoided CPAP and other mechanical means.”

– Larry H., 47 years old

Testimonial 7


“Your program is wonderful! Going to sleep at night is no longer a problem and I wake up feeling refreshed and ready for a new day. Your sleep program has enhanced my quality of life!”

– Andrea S., 43 yrs., ASHEVILLE, NC

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7 Weeks or Less

What Do Previous Clients Say?

After Week 1

"My tongue is staying on the roof of my mouth more."

After Week 2

"My wife can't report on my snoring because she is now sleeping all night!"

After Week 3

"I didn't wake up at all last night."

After Week 4

"I don't feel the need for a nap during the day."

After Week 1

"My husband let me back in the bedroom!"

After Week 6

"It's a pleasure to get out of bed now."

Sample Results

DISCLAIMER: There is no guarantee of tooth movement. Photos show a common result of this program due to training the tongue to not put pressure on the teeth.

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